State and Diocesan-required Clearances for Ministers
Diocese of Greensburg Clearance Information
We value the importance of protecting children and you as a minister, and also of observing state law. Therefore, all volunteers and ministers are required to stay current with state-mandated and diocesan-required clearances.
For assistance in completing your clearances, please Contact Diane Lynch at the parish office, 724-327-0647, x2507.
As Diane does not have regular office hours, the best way to contact her is via email: [email protected]
Child Protection Instructions for Volunteers
More information and explanation about clearance requirements can be found on the Diocese of Greensburg clearance webpage.
The clearances required for ministers, and which must be submitted include:
- Mandated and Permissive Reporting Training Course
- Diocese of Greensburg Code of Pastoral Conduct
- *The PA State Police Criminal History Report (copy submitted)
- *The PA Department of Human Services Certification (copy submitted)
- *The FBI Criminal History (fingerprint) Report (affidavit for volunteers who have resided in PA for 10+ years)
- *VIRTUS Training (one of two new courses is required): either ‘Re-certification for Adults’ OR ‘Keeping the Promise Alive.’
(* indicates clearances which need to be renewed every 5 years)
Please note that clearances expire after 5 years and are required to be renewed to continue to minister in our parishes. If you are in need of clearance updates, please update them as soon as possible.
If you need assistance, contact Betsy Yaklich at the Parish office at 724-327-0647, x2507